Tips for Living with Roommates
While attending college, there’s a great chance that the person you’ll end up seeing the most is your roommate. They’ll be the first and last people you see during the day, and the people you spend time with in between classes. They’ll also be the people you inevitably argue with the most, whether it’s over dishes or loud music. Living with roommates can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you share your space harmoniously. Set expectations early on Before the semester properly begins, lay down the house rules that you intend to live by. For instance, you may want to have total privacy whenever your door is closed, or refuse to share your toiletries. You may expect the place to stay clean, or to turn the lights off when not in use. Whatever rules you live by, make sure you properly communicate them to your roommate early on. Be honest and communicative You’d be surprised how many problems you can avoid just by being straightforward with one another. Don’t play sil...